Rabu, 10 Mei 2017

Trip To Lembang

Today, I want to tell you about my vacation with my best friends in senior high school J

4 years ago, we took a vacation after we had final exams in senior high school for 2 days 1 night. I went to Sarah’s house at 05.00 o’clock. In there, I met Intan and Sarah. After we met, we went to Gambir Station by taxi from Latuharhary.

 Flora was arrived in Gambir Station first. She called us and we saw her. We sat on the bench while we waited the other were coming. One by one our team were completed.

1st day
In a first day actually on Thursday,  me, Intan and Sarah arrived at Gambir Station at 05.30 o’clock because we got a train in Gambir Station at 06.00 o’clock.

When our train had prepared gone in 2 minutes left, one of my friend didn’t come yet. All of us felt so confused. And then suddenly, an engineer of a locomotive came to us and asked “Had you already to go?”. Spontaneously we answered “Not yet, Sir. Our friend didn’t come yet in here. She said she arrived in here for 2 minutes again. Please, this train didn’t go Sir without her”. He said “Ok. We waited your friend girls. And then we said thankful for him. “Thank you, Sir” (with happiness face).

Several a minutes, our friend finally arrived with tightness breath (uhh uhh). She said “Sorry I came late. There was a trouble when I would to go here”. We answered “That’s okay. To be thankful to our head a locomotive. Because he delayed our schedule train for us (laughed and smiled).

“Thank you so much, Sir”, said my friend. He replied “Yes, you are welcome miss.” (smile and happy face). “Let’s go girls. We took a vacation to Bandung” (he said again). We said “Okay, Sir. Let’s go” (yelled).

Our train left Gambir Station slowly. In a journey, we talked about everything. We played a game, took some photos, viewed of scenery, valley, mountain and many more.

Arrived in Cikampek, we saw some factory. Yaap, that is factory area. There were electronic factory, garment factory, vehicle factory and so many more. I thought this is crowded area.

At 09.30 o’clock, we arrived in Bandung. In there, we rent minibus for strived to our hotel. We spent about one hour thirty minutes. At 11.00 o’clock, we arrived in Cikole.

2nd Day
In early morning, we woke up and we prepared for our next trip and adventure. We played flying fox, planted and picked up some strawberries, feed some deer and rabbit in the garden, took some photos and videos, had lunch in Bandung, and the last we waited Dania which bought a birthday cake for Flora. Because in the next day, she would be birthday.

Night was came. We prepared for ate dinner and bought some meal and food. At 21.00 o’clock, we told about creepy story. And then suddenly, a butterfly was came in into our hotel. Tadaaaa. What happened after that? One of us told something about a butterfly if it came into our room. She said “There was came into our room and it would be here with us. Especially not human, right?”. We felt so creepy and finally we got to bed in one room for 8 peoples.     

The next day, we prepared for coming home. We got home by train at 16.00 o’clock and arrived in Gambir Station at 19.00 o’clock.

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