Kamis, 04 Mei 2017

Simple Past Tense

Past tense atau biasa disebut the simple past biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah lampau atau terlewati.

                                                            S + was/were + [C]

            Example :
a.       I watched this film last night.
b.      They were finished economic assignment yesterday.
c.       When did your last vacation ?
d.      Where did you wash your clothes ?

Keterangan waktu terkadang diperlukan dalam penggunaan past tense untuk memperjelas bahwa suatu peristiwa terjadi di masa lampau :
~ Just now                                           ~ Last Sunday
~ Yesterday                                         ~ This morning
~ The day before yesterday                ~ This afternoon
~ Last night                                        ~ Two days ago
~ Last week                                        ~ Several years ago

Example :
a.       (+) Mrs. Nia came to your party last week.
(-) Mrs. Nia didn’t come to your party last week.
(?) Did Mrs. Nia come  to your party last week ?
·         Yes, she did.
·         No, she didn’t.
b.      Who were the best student last year in this school ?
c.       We were run at this garden this morning.

-           Untuk menyatakan hasil yang dicapai, kita dapat menggunakan to be (was/were) + able to sebagai pengganti dari could.

            Example :
a.       Nita studied hard last night and finally she was able to pass her exams.
b.      He lost his phone and finally he was able to buy a new phone.

-           Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan yang dilakukan di masa lampau, kita dapat menggunakan used to atau would to + verb word.

            Example :
a.       When I was a kid, I used to play my car toys.
b.      Every time she played this game, she would be happy.

A Handbook of English Grammar: Panduan Lengkap dan Praktis Belajar Tata Bahasa Inggris: Imam Baehaqi

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