Kamis, 04 Mei 2017

Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous digunakan dalam kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan atau sedang berlangsung dan kegiatan tersebut bersifat sementara serta cepat atau lambat akan berhenti meskipun dalam waktu yang sebentar maupun lama. 

S + am/is/are + verb-ing + [C]

Beberapa keterangan waktu atau clue yang digunakan antara lain :
~ Look                                                ~ Currently
~ Listen                                              ~ At this moment
~ Now                                                ~ Temporarily
~ Right now                                       ~ Today
~ For the time being                          ~ This week
~ This semester                                 ~ At the present time

a.       I am writing a letter for my best friend.
b.      They are sitting on the bench at cafĂ©.
c.       What are you waiting for in here ?.
d.      She isn’t playing volley ball today.
e      (+) We are playing football in the field.
(-) We are not playing football in the field.
(?) Are we playing football in the filed ?
·         Yes, we are.
·         No, we are not.

Dalam memberikan penilaian kepada seseorang, maka kita dapat menggunakan pola => am/is/are + being + adjective.

Example :
a.       At this moment, she is being careful.

b.      I think  Tina is being careless recently.

A Handbook of English Grammar: Panduan Lengkap dan Praktis Belajar Tata Bahasa Inggris: Imam Baehaqi

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