Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Market Transactions

 The 3rd Softskill Assignment

Name             :           Khairinawati
NPM               :           14213828
Lecture          :           Ms. Eka Ardinie

                                                Gunadarma University

Barter System

What              :           Barter System
When             :           A long time ago
Where            :                       ---
Why                :          
Because, they want to changing between a basket of apples and a chicken as economic transaction and a long time ago, money was not found as an economic transaction.
Who                :          
Posted by Lorenzo, On September 11th, 2012 at 1:55 am
How                :           This picture is so unique. Because, a basket of apples to changing with a chicken
Source           :           http://skepticlawyer.com.au/2012/09/10/a-fight-over-money/4-barter-2/

Pasar Segiri 2

What              :           Kids are Buying Vegetables in the Segiri Market 2  
When             :           In the Morning
Where            :           Segiri Market 2
Why                :
Because, they want to learn how condition in the market traditional where they get goods necessity for daily life
Who                :           Seller and kids as buyer.
Posted by Perpustakaan Bunga Bangsa, at 20:25
How                :           Situations in this picture is clean, neat and so crowded    
Source           :           http://perpusbb.blogspot.com/2012/02/wisata-belajar-ke-pasar-segiri-2.html

Carrefour Lebak Bulus
Konsumen berbelanja di Carrefour Lebak Bulus, Jakarta.

What              :
The Consuments are Shopping in Carrefour Lebak  Bulus, South of Jakarta     
When             :           Sunday, December 29th, 2013, at 16:27
Where            :           Carrefour Lebak Bulus
Why                :          
Because in the modern market, goods and services more complete and friendly than traditional market
Who                :           Buyers or customers.
Posted by  Hadi Suprapto, Ahmad Pahingguan/ viva news Muhamad Solihin
How                :           Situations in this picture is clean, neat and so busy
Source           :           http://surat.viva.co.id/news/read/469581-surat-pembaca--carrefour-sunter-perlakukan-konsumen-seperti--maling-

Medan Center Market
antisipasi harga
What              :           Anticipated of Price
When             :           In the Morning
Where            :           At Medan Center Market, South of Sumatera
Why                :          
The government will keep of supplier necessity towards of Fasting Month   and Day of Celebration for Moeslim to anticipated rise of price.
Who                :           Seller and buyer.
Posted by FOTO ANTARA/Septianda Perdana/ss/ama/10. July 12th , 2010, at 16:20
How                :           Situations in this picture is clean, neat and so quiet
Source           :           www.antarafoto.com/bisnis/v1278926401/antisipasi-harga

Wulondoni Market

AKRAB DAN GUYUB: Suasana transaksi jual beli di Pasar Wulandoni, Lembata, NTT. Di pasar ini pedagang dan pembeli saling tukar barang yang diinginkan. Foto: Tri Mujoko/Jawa Pos
What              :           Visiting Wulandoni Market
When             :           In the Morning. Saturday, May 3rd
Where            :           Lembata, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Why                :          
Who                :           Thursday, May08th  2014. Photo: Tri Mujoko/Jawa Pos
How                :           Situation in this picture is so unique. Because, this market using barter system.

Many More Pictures Related Economic Transactions


Market place on a street with food and vegetables stands. Market stall. - stock vector 

Sumber : 
  • https://www.google.co.id/search?q=pasar&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Gb6RU5LoI9O8ugS94IGYCQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1360&bih=608

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